Musings about, um... well, the Seattle Mariners as well as a love affair with this game baseball. By Peter J. White
NY Yankees 84 56 --
Oakland 84 58 1.0
Boston 83 58 1.5
Seattle 82 60 3.0
Once upon a time, DuBose was a high-ranking starting pitcher prospect in the Oakland organization. Then he hurt his arm. He made a solid landing in Bowie, developed a good chageup to make up for the bite his fastball lost after surgery, and got a September call-up. This year [2002], at least, lefties hit him better than right-handers did, so he may not be good LOOGY material (to borrown John Sickels's label for Lefty One-Out Guys).
NY Yankees 84 55 --
Oakland 84 57 1.0
Boston 82 58 2.5
Seattle 82 59 3.0
NY Yankees 84 54 --
Oakland 83 57 2.0
Boston 81 58 3.5
Seattle 81 59 4.0
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken. (Sonnet 116)